31 March 2012

A recent write-up in the South Whidbey Record for my new exhibit @WICA April 6 - 21, 2012 


The work of Clinton photographer Sandy Rubini has been described as surreal,
ethereal, sensual and translucent.

"At no other time am I more completely present than when I have a camera in my hand," says Sandy. "Creativity is a direct portal to the divine living in each one of us."

Sandy’s most recent work from her “Divinity” series explores the “light versus dark” aspects of spirituality,taking her from the backcountry of Mt. Baker, the banks of the Columbia River, a forgotten cemetery on San Juan Island, and places in between.

Enjoy Sandy’s “Divinity” series during the “Reverence” Exhibit at WICA.

See her work online at:www.vintimo.com

01 March 2012

March Exhibit @ The Commons, Langley Whidbey Island, WA

An exhibit of my work will be @ The Commons in the Seaside Village of Langley on Whidbey Island for the month of March. 

Welcome Spring!