29 November 2011


Summer 2009 was exceptionally beautiful here on my little island in the Pacific NW. The day I took this shot was amazingly warm and sunny - such a departure from these dreary winter days. I remember dawdling about my yard looking for inspiration, and when I turned back toward the front porch, the afternoon light on this clematis literally took my breath away! A finicky little creature I planted about three years ago, not sure if it would make it or not. I think she's happy. :)

It's all about being at the right place at the right time.

20 November 2011

Brush to Bone Meets Gypsy Bones

I'm absolutely THRILLED to share that one of my all-time favorite photographs will be showcased on the cover of Author Christin Lore Weber's latest novel entitled, "Gypsy Bones," due for initial release as an ebook this fall. I'm honored to have been given an advance copy, which I'm currently reading obsessively! Gypsy Bones captivated me from the very first sentence. Christin is one of those rare storytellers with the type of eloquence and mastery of the written word that only comes along once in a good ten years, if not more. Watch this site for more info, because this is certainly one you don't want to miss.

For more info about Christin, visit her blog@

20 July 2011

In September of 2008, I was taking a mid-day stroll along one of the back trails at the Greenbank Farm on Whidbey Island. Wild blackberry vines were in full bloom - and that's where I caught this little guy, so very busy! Head and legs spattered with pollen, bobbing lazily from one flower to the next as though I didn't exist. Nary a care in the world. My hero.

21 June 2011

Bovine Demise

"The tired and thirsty prospector threw himself down at the edge of the watering hole and started to drink. But then he looked around and saw skulls and bones everywhere. "Uh-oh," he thought. "This watering hole is reserved for skeletons." ~Jack Handy

19 May 2011


September of 2008: A road trip over the Cascade Mountains to catch one final blast of summer heat before the rainy season set in over Western Washington. About 10 miles east of Winthrop, I found a sleepy mountain lodge nestled amongst the sagebrush of the Methow Valley. On a stroll at dusk I came upon a tiny sparrow which had met an untimely death via one of the monstrous picture windows overlooking the lake. Though I wish the circumstances to observe her were quite different, I felt blessed to be given the opportunity to see Mother Nature's handiwork up close and personal.

17 May 2011


Oh, now this guy is my new favorite!!!  Cruising the back roads in North Bend last weekend - on my way for a slice of cherry pie at the old Mar-T Cafe, (damn fine cup of coffee) -  two captivating llamas lounged in a pasture on the side of the road. Their coats were long and thick as matted wool, multi-colored dreads that I imagine make them the cool hippy-types in the llama world.  This guy just stood there, staring at me and chewing his cud.  He had his ears back most of the time, and I suppose I was just asking for it ...

28 April 2011


Spent a lot of time in Eastern Washington during the Summer of 2010.  Imagine my awe (and delight!) when I descended Washington Pass one evening at dusk to find a herd of elk in a pasture!  I spent a good half hour watching them and taking photographs while the light quickly faded away, not knowing for sure if any of my shots would turn out until I downloaded them the next day.  

This bull elk and his harem definitely stole the show.  

25 February 2011

Soulful Tandem

I'm absolutely crazy about birds.  Eagles, ravens, hawks, heron, ducks, owls, woodpeckers, sparrows, chickadees. You name it - if it has wings, I'm fascinated.  I'm blessed to live on an island teeming with these beautiful creatures and at times I get lost in watching them in my yard feeders - to the point where my son started calling me "the crazy bird lady who lives on the corner."  Could be worse ways to spend one's time, yes?

I captured this lovely pair of seagulls on a blustery winter's day down at Possession Beach.  While I struggled to cover myself from the wind, they floated about with ease, in a soulful tandem.

08 February 2011


For one of the most beautiful souls I've ever met.
Her love is now off on a new adventure,
and she'll be with him every step of the way. 

27 January 2011


"God's Country" certainly describes Havilla, located in northeast Washington. One can drive for miles on end across rolling, sand-colored hills, dreaming about ghost towns and the Old West. Not much has changed in 150 years. Havilla is a tiny dot on the map, with a few houses and this beautiful church rising out of nowhere. I find places of quiet and simplicity are the ones that speak to me most.