Early Evening Embers
Just before I fell asleep last night this image came to mind. I captured it in 2011 on my way to Monterey. The sun had just tipped toward dusk, and my son was asleep in the backseat. I slowed and turned the wheel to take the Jeep from the main road; to creep up a deserted, open and hilly brown and sage landscape for what must have been at least five miles. When I stopped and got out of my car with the camera there was complete silence - even the birds were taking a break. A scrawny young coyote scurried across the dirt road and I smiled, as my love / hate relationship with them had come full circle to love again. When I turned, there was something very lovely about this particular spot - the way the sun filtered through the trees and settled upon the grass, making it look as though a low-lying mist was floating across the brush. Light caught the wings of little bugs drifting in the late afternoon. They looked like embers to me - both beautiful and haunting - and I thought maybe they were actually tiny souls drifting through; those who have lain down under trees and brush to rest. And it made me think of my father.