Vintage Parlour Box ~ This Vintage Parlour Box was created for my Guest Artist Show at Whidbey Art Gallery in Langley during the month of July, 2017. When I started the project, I wasn't quite sure where it would take me and how it would turn out. I decided it would be best to simply tap into my emotions. Anything coming from that place of unedited, authentic truth can't be wrong.
This Parlor Box is called "Cedar Cove," an ode to three beautiful cedar trees in the woods behind my property that were recently taken down to make way for two houses. Progress? Ugh. Here's the poem that accompanies the piece.
Cedar Cove
Every morning
for twelve and a half years,
cup of coffee in hand
I shuffled onto the back porch
rain or shine,
in bare feet
raised my gaze to the clouds
admiring the towering majesty
of your limbs
Most times quiet
Other times thrashing in the island current,
Other times thrashing in the island current,
a mammoth, cone-shaped monolith
blacked in the night sky
blocking out the stars and moon
at times
always steady, always there.
Witness to Marlboro tears
snapping rage and biting loneliness
to soul-searching, reawakening,
moments of serenity and
lightness of being,
always steady, always there.
Until this morning.
I awoke to the chainsaws
and I could not save you
because you were not mine to save.
I’m so sorry.
Sandy Rubini (c)